If you would like to join the Hoosier RC Racers club, dues are $25.00 per year as decided by the membership. The money we collect from dues pays for communications costs (website, mailings), events, equipment and improvements.  A record of income and expenditures will always be available to club members.  We are an Indiana Nonprofit corporation and a Federal 501(c)3 Public Charity.  HRCR is not a commercial enterprise.  Please know, none of us are making any money from this club.  We are all volunteers giving our time and energy.  Join us!

PLEASE NOTE:  Hoosier RC Club membership is optional but encouraged at our events.  We have used past membership dues to pay for things like the timing system, expenses noted above and the possibility of future racing locations.  By supporting the club, you are supporting RC racing in Indiana.  We all know commercial tracks come and go.  That is because they have to make a profit to exist.  We strongly encourage our members to support commercial tracks AND the Hoosier RC Racers.  That way the future is bright for our hobby/sport!

What club membership will provide is FREE registration/participation during special scheduled club events.  Non members typically pay $10 per event (not per class).  So, if you are going to race with us more than twice, you are better off to become a member.  And, by becoming a member, you give the club working capitol to get things done.  We ask for dues to be paid in January of each year.  You can pay via PayPal below or check in the mail or in person at events.  No we don't pro-rate dues, sorry.  Its a donation for operating expenses.

We now have Hoosier RC Racers tee shirts!  Cost for the current shirts is $20.  
Click for printable .PDF form.  Use mailing address on the form.
$25.00 annual club dues can
be paid through PayPal or
with a credit card!
Our PayPal email is
[email protected]

Find us on
PO Box 13 - Brownsburg, Indiana 46112

© 2015-2025 Hoosier RC Racers, Inc. -  All rights reserved.